

Created: March 2, 2021  |  Last Updated: March 18, 2021  |  Category: ,   |  Tagged: ,

W&J’s new VP for Development leans into the power of higher-education philanthropy

卡洛琳·坎贝尔-戈登博士.D.我知道华盛顿 & 澳门葡京博彩软件 was the right fit for her and her family before ever setting foot on campus.

After hearing about the open position of vice president for development and alumni engagement from a colleague, 她开始研究W。&并了解学院独特的文化. As she got further along in the hiring process and more familiar with the W&J社区,她证实了W&J是一个令人兴奋的地方,W&J confirmed that she was the right fit to lead the Development and Alumni Engagement teams. Dr. Campbell-Golden first came to campus a month after accepting the position and found that what she felt from afar lined up with her first-hand experience.

“Throughout the interview process, I was told about the welcoming spirit and friendliness of the W&J family. I have found that to be true and am delighted to be a part of it,” Dr. Campbell-Golden说.

Dr. Campbell-Golden has worked as an administrator for higher education and non-profits for nearly 30 years. She joined W&J in August, coming from Auburn University in Alabama where she spent 22 years and was most recently Vice Chancellor for Advancement at Auburn Montgomery.

作为一名高级管理员, 她曾担任大学战略规划过程的联合主席, provided leadership and direction throughout the university’s accreditation processes, 带头推动多元化和包容性, 建立并实施教职员工倡导委员会, provided expert leadership and worked collaboratively with governing and foundation boards within the university system, and participated in countless projects and initiatives in the local community.

Dr. Campbell-Golden’s first experience in higher education development and alumni relations occurred when she worked to establish the foundation for Central Texas College in 1991. 在学院的第一次学者和捐赠者午餐会上. Campbell-Golden recalled a young woman sharing the impact receiving the scholarship made on her and her family.

“I will never forget her words – ‘Had it not been for this endowment, I would not have been able to achieve my lifelong goal of a college degree,’” Dr. Campbell-Golden说. 这句话像闪电一样击中了我. It demonstrated the critical role philanthropy plays in higher education and the power of a college education in transforming lives and a family tree.”

作为第一代大学生, 三个女儿的骄傲母亲, 并不断追求自己的教育, Dr. Campbell-Golden relates to the transformative power of higher education.

“First generation students and their stories still inspire me almost 30 years later. I find it incredibly rewarding to be able to play a role in facilitating partnerships that connect our alumni, foundations, corporations, 以及其他有学生的利益相关者, 教师的研究, 关键的编程, 以及资本倡议,” she says.

A mentor of Dr. 坎贝尔-戈尔登曾经对学院和大学说过, “慈善事业是平庸与卓越的区别.”

“W&J has a great tradition of alumni supporting the life of the College. Now during this challenging and critical time in the life of the College, 校友的支持和参与比以往任何时候都更加重要,” Dr. Campbell-Golden补充道. “通过W&J校友和朋友们,W&J will be able to continue to build its tradition of excellence and reach greater heights.”

尽管她对《澳门葡京博彩软件》的许多介绍&J社区都是通过屏幕发生的, she looks forward to a time when she will be able to meet with alumni in person. In the meantime, she has been using the wide array of virtual tools at her disposal to make connections.

“最重要的是建立联系, 不管怎样, 并确保它是有意义的. It will be these contacts that can begin to build a bridge towards a relationship until we get on the other side of this challenge, 可以面对面交流吗?, 互相握手和拥抱,” Dr. Campbell-Golden说. “打起精神,要有信心,在澳门葡京博彩软件意识到之前,它就会到来。! Juncta Juvant!”

Dr. Campbell-Golden holds a master’s degree in Management from Faulkner University, master’s and doctorate degrees in Higher Education Administration from Auburn University, 完成了哈佛大学教育管理学院的课程, 持有学院和大学教学证书, 并且是富布赖特学者. She has taught as an adjunct professor and has established an endowed scholarship for working mothers who are pursuing a degree.